Sleep Dentistry Brisbane

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery — All You Need to Know

November 20, 2023

Wisdom tooth extraction involves the removal of one or more teeth present at the far end of the mouth through oral surgery. It’s the most common method to address the problems that may arise during the early stages of wisdom tooth eruption. However, the postoperative process may sometimes be painful, causing sore jaws, stiffness, bleeding, or continuous discomfort.

The complete wisdom tooth extraction recovery takes around 1-2 weeks, but the period can extend if the wound gets infected. To help you with the whole process, we have assembled a brief guide, including the recovery timeline, aftercare tips, food plan, and other necessary details to help get you through the post-surgical period with ease. 

Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The third molars, also called wisdom teeth, will start to erupt as you reach around 17 to 24 years of age, as per the Australian Dental Association. Considering they are the last to appear, these sets of teeth don’t find enough room in the mouth for proper eruption, which often leads to: 

  • Teeth deformation 
  • Impaction (stuck inside bone/gum)
  • Cavities or cysts 
  • Severe pain
  • Infection
  • Extreme discomfort
  • Bleeding

To address these issues, more than 80% of Australian adults opt for wisdom tooth removal surgery based on their dental preferences. However, it is best to stick to your dentist’s recommendations to determine which option is best for as each case is different and may factors are usually at play.  

Who Is the Right Candidate For Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Patients often have an asymptomatic or disease-free impacted wisdom tooth for which dentists hardly recommend extractios but in case of recurrent problems in the area, visible signs and symptoms, removal is the only permanent option to resolve the issues. 

According to the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews, age is also a crucial factor in deciding whether or not you should go for a wisdom tooth extraction surgery, as older age usually increases the chances of post-surgery complications and discomfort lasting for a long period.

All in all, wisdom tooth extraction is generally recommended for individuals with:

  • Crowded or misaligned teeth
  • Visible signs and symptoms of impaction causing issues
  • Sinus problems (if caused by wisdom teeth)

How is Wisdom Tooth Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are removed in one of two ways. In the dental chair with local anesthetic or at the hospital under general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the procedure. The most common options include the following:

  • Local anesthetic for numbing the area of pain while you stay awake during surgery
  • IV sedation for administration of a sedative into your bloodstream by setting up an IV line
  • General anesthetic for complete unconsciousness, leaving the patient with no memory of the surgical procedure

If one or more wisdom teeth are causing a problem, the dentist recommends the patient for a cone beam scan. The extraction will proceed after the dentist observes the affected tooth and its size, angle, depth and or proximity to the facial nerves / sinuses.  

During the surgery, your dentist will:

  1. Apply the antiseptic or mouthwash to disinfect the area
  2. Decide the anesthetic method to suit your situation
  3. Incise the affected gum tissue to expose the bone
  4. Section the tooth into small pieces for easy removal
  5. Extract the tooth
  6. Stitch the site of extraction after thorough cleaning
  7. Cover the wound with gauze for protection and healing

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery

Wisdom tooth removal does impacts the quality of life during the initial postoperative days, but the situation significantly improves over time. While the tissue heals in a week or two, the total regeneration of bone can take about six months. 

Healing Timeline

The initial 24 hours after the surgery are crucial as the wound is new and fresh. 

Because our body follows a natural healing process, blood clots will form to cover the extraction site post-tooth removal. They protect the nerve endings and underlying bones of the gum tissue from foreign particles, speeding up the recovery period in return. 

You may also experience dizziness, slight fever, or tightness in your jaws the following few days. However, the pain or bruising (if any) should subside within the next 48 to 72 hours after extraction. Moreover, some patients require stitches to help close the wound, which are mostly resorbable and do not need removal. Some cases may require non resorbable sutures which can be removed painlessly in 2-3 weeks.  

Considering no risk of complications such as dry socket, osteitis, edema, or trismus, the complete course of wisdom tooth extraction recovery takes around two to three weeks to come full circle. 

Here’s a quick summary

After the first day

Swelling and pain

Stiffness in jaws

Difficulty opening the mouth

Slight fever (not in every case)

After three to five days

Dull ache around the jaws

Reduced stiffness or swelling

After seven days (week)

Return to normal activities getting easier

After ten days

Little to no pain or stiffness 

After 14-21 days (2-3 weeks)

Complete healing of the superficial extraction site

Risks and Complications

Sometimes, a dry socket appears within three to four days after wisdom tooth extraction, indicating a possible infection. It happens when the blood clot dissolves or dislodges from the site of extraction and exposes the gum tissue to bacteria before the complete healing of the wound.

The symptoms can vary in each individual, but it is advisable to consult with your dentist if you experience the following signs:

  • Intense pain at the site of removal after 2-4 days of surgery
  • Discomfort radiating to the eyes, ears, or temples 
  • Halitosis (bad breath) due to a foul-smelling wound
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • No effect of medicines in numbing the symptoms 

Wisdom Tooth Removal Aftercare

After wisdom tooth removal, you can return to your daily activities within a brief period and prevent delayed recovery by following a proper aftercare routine. 

Below, we have discussed the dos and don’ts after wisdom tooth extraction to help control infections or other side effects. Let’s take a look!

Day 1

  • Bite down on a fresh gauze every hour during the first day of surgery
  • Take fresh juices, milk, broth, or soup, especially the initial 24 hours – no straw
  • Frequently apply an ice pack to reduce swelling 
  • Take medications as prescribed by your dentist
  • Rest up and avoid strenuous activities 
  • No spitting

Day 2-4

  • Gently rinse with warm salt water after two days (continue until the wound recovers)
  • Resort to a soft diet such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, eggs, or ice cream
  • Gently brush your teeth twice a day, but avoid touching the affected area
  • Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or sucking the straw
  • Continue taking antibiotics if prescribed by the doctor

Day 5-7

Your wound should start to heal after a week, but it is a good idea to take precautions and 

  • Avoid chewing on hard food items
  • Follow good hygiene to prevent infection
  • Arrange a follow-up dental visit for your satisfaction

Wisdom Teeth Removal Food Timeline

Taking the right food accompanies the most critical part of the aftercare process following wisdom teeth removal. Here’s a quick food timeline for the initial five days to help promote your healing!

Day 1

  • Don’t eat for the first 1-2 hours after surgery as your face, tongue and lips are numb. Drinking liquids through a cup is fine.
  • Take a liquid-only diet like soups, broths, or diluted porridge
  • Avoid chewing hard, hot or spicy food.

Day 2

  • Take a soft diet such as
  • Ice cream
  • soup
  • pudding
  • Yogurt 
  • Mashed potatoes

Day 3 

  • Use semi-soft meals, such as
  • Noodles
  • Medium boiled eggs
  • Nutritive sandwiches
  • Avoid using straws

Day 4-5

  • Avoid crunchy foods
  • Reintroduce the normal diet

Contact Sleep Dentistry Brisbane for Experienced Dental Care

If you are neglecting your oral health due to high dental phobia, it’s the right time to take the first step toward a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle. At Sleep Dentistry Brisbane, we understand and respect all your concerns, leaving you with pain-free and comfortable experiences during your dental visits. 

From emergency treatment options to pre or post-surgery consultations, our skilled team provides you with an all-inclusive, personalized, non-judgmental approach, all while taking care of your individual or special needs. 

You can book a dental appointment with us if you are located in Brisbane or the surrounding communities of Gold Coast, Springwood, Bayside, Logan, or Ipswich. For more queries, contact us at 07-3154-0626 or talk to our team online at Sleep Dentistry Brisbane.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you speed up wisdom teeth recovery?

Although wisdom tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure, it is advisable to follow your dentist’s instructions for quick healing. Take it easy and rest and arrange a follow-up appointment if the pain worsens 2-3 days after the surgery. 

How soon can you talk after wisdom tooth removal?

Considering it’s difficult to speak immediately after the wisdom tooth removal, you should limit your speech, especially during the first 48 hours. Due to the involvement of tongue and facial muscles, excessive talking can disrupt the blood clots, leading to post-surgical infection, such as dry sockets. 

Can I go to work the next day after wisdom tooth extraction?

It is best to limit your daily activities, such as doing intense house chores, returning to work, or going to the gym after wisdom teeth removal. You can continue your routine after the wound is in the initial stages of healing. Before that, take up to 1-3 days off and rest as much as possible to promote the healing process.